Gentle modern
training for dogs and their people

News and Announcements

Puppy Day Camp

🐶Drop off your pup for a morning (or afternoon) of playtime and learning! Camp is for Pups between the ages of approximately 10 and 18 weeks old.

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My Favorite Podcast

Join me in listening to one of my favorite Podcasts, Pod to the Rescue, for dog rescues, fosters, adopters, and dog lovers.

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Boulder Good Dog Club

The Boulder Good Dog Club meets to promote positive relationships and socializations for dogs in Boulder county.

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Our Classes

Puppy Kindergarten
This class is for basic learning skills and socialization for puppies 8-16 weeks old
Little Dog Training Club
This class is for little dogs over 4 months old and under 20 pounds.
Puppy Day Camp!
Drop off your pup for a morning of playtime and learning!
Basic Manners
This class is for puppies and dogs to learn basic skills – sit, down, stay, etc.
Private Training
For dogs of all ages and their families who prefer one-on-one training.
Boulder Good Dog Club
The Boulder Good Dog Club meets to promote positive socializations for dogs.

About Gigi Moss

Gentle, modern training for dogs and their people

I teach reward-based, force-free dog training to families in the Boulder area. Using humane, scientific learning theories, I’ll show you how to teach your dog to be a happy, well-behaved, and reliable companion. I will never use training tools that cause harm or fear such as choke collars, prong collars or shock collars.

Positive reinforcement

When you foster the human-animal bond (through praise, food, toys, and other forms of positive reinforcement) in all kinds of real-world situations, dogs learn faster, adapt better, stay calmer and remain more focused.

Forming a good relationship

Whether it’s basic dog training or more advanced skills for off-leash hiking, or solving behavior issues, including fear, anxiety and aggression, having a good relationship with your dog makes everything easier – for both of you.

Sue Thompson

Because we live in the mountains we believe it to be essential to introduce our Berners to new people, dogs and a variety of situations in town. Gigi’s classes include basic obedience, problem solving discussions and socialization skills which are fun for both people and pets. It’s great to have our dogs enjoy going to class!

Sue Thompson
Veronika with Nikki

From my experience, Gigi Moss is a great teacher. Her rapport with her canine students is outstanding. Her poise, control and humor during classes allows doggie owners to feel relaxed and confident in their skills to establish a loyal relationship with their canine companions. She sets realistic expectations for humans and dogs, understands the mind and social skills of dogs and conveys her wisdom and knowledge with great love and respect for dogs and their owners. I am indeed grateful to have met Gigi. She has nurtured my relationship with my beloved Nikki to a new level of respect and understanding.

Veronika with Nikki

Gigi has been instrumental in helping us learn how to train our dogs. Daisy was afraid of many things–but especially unfamiliar people. Gigi coached us, and with positive training, Daisy improved, and today she is a well-adjusted “regular” dog. Our second dog Kite presented us with opposite challenges–he loves all people but is afraid of unfamiliar dogs. I continue to work with him in Gigi’s classes. Our dogs are an important part of our family and so is Gigi. I know our dogs have been transformed by Gigi’s influence, but I think we have benefitted more. Who knew training our dogs could be so much fun!


Amigo was such a wild puppy that it was almost impossible for the vet to give him his first exam and shots. In fact, the vet said dogs like him often had to be put down when they became two. I enrolled us (Amigo and I) in Gigi’s Puppy Class and told her of our problems with vet visits. Gigi came with us to the vet’s and showed me some techniques to help him tolerate the handling. He does fine at the vet’s now and is a Therapy Dog working in both a nursing home and the hospital for 3 years. I honestly believe that Gigi Moss saved his life by helping him learn to behave.

Grietje Sloan with Canto

Gigi’s instruction has been essential to my training Canto, my 4th German Shepherd. Where my previous dogs had been willing learners who had excelled in obedience trials, sheepherding, and with the most wonderfully successful of them all, as a certified search and rescue dog, my current dog, Canto, presented me with problems in training I never encountered before. He was both high-wired and willful in a way I did not know how to cope with. Gigi’s positive re-enforcement training has made possible his developing into a wonderful dog who is reliably obedient, a great agility dog, and a joy to live with.

Grietje Sloan with Canto
Rita Roberts with Harlow

Harlow is a two year old Australian Shepherd. She and I have been training with Gigi since she was 5 months old. Every day I am amazed that she actually listens, obeys commands and best of all…comes when I call her!! Harlow can go anyplace with me because Gigi has taught us real life skills in various environments. Trails, parks, sidewalks, stores – you will learn all of it – but be patient. It takes commitment, time and repetition to have a “GOOD DOG” ! Thanks Gigi for being mellow, positive and patient. We could never have done it without you. We love you!

Rita Roberts with Harlow
Sadie's Kennel

My puppy, Sadie, was afraid of everything and everyone. I was heartbroken and frantic to find help. A friend gave me Gigi’s number. I called her on a Friday and left a tear-soaked voice message. Gigi called me back Saturday morning before her 9 am puppy kindergarten class. “Bring Sadie to class,” Gigi said. I stammered about how Sadie was too afraid. “Come anyway,” Gigi said. So we did. And, that was the beginning of Sadie’s blossoming. Sadie and I became regulars at Gigi’s puppy class. By the third class, Sadie yipped (screamed, really) with excitement when we pulled into the parking lot. Her little body wiggled so much with anticipation I could barely hold onto her as I lifted her out of the car. Sadie is 4 years old now and more confident and social than I could have ever imagined, thanks to Gigi.

Sadie’s Kennel
Sue Thompson

Because we live in the mountains we believe it to be essential to introduce our Berners to new people, dogs and a variety of situations in town. Gigi’s classes include basic obedience, problem solving discussions and socialization skills which are fun for both people and pets. It’s great to have our dogs enjoy going to class!

Sue Thompson
Veronika with Nikki

From my experience, Gigi Moss is a great teacher. Her rapport with her canine students is outstanding. Her poise, control and humor during classes allows doggie owners to feel relaxed and confident in their skills to establish a loyal relationship with their canine companions. She sets realistic expectations for humans and dogs, understands the mind and social skills of dogs and conveys her wisdom and knowledge with great love and respect for dogs and their owners. I am indeed grateful to have met Gigi. She has nurtured my relationship with my beloved Nikki to a new level of respect and understanding.

Veronika with Nikki